It demands courage and mutual effort. To stay on track, to be strong and to hold on.
Why give up when there's so much left to fight for, so much to try and believe in, so much to communicate.
It's okay to feel less, it's okay to feel things have happens everywhere every time. The thing is, we need to fight together and make things better.
Ask yourselves, why did everything start first of all? Why have you committed at the very beginning?
'Cause it felt right, 'cause we believed, 'cause we found happiness, 'cause we were true to each other. Ups and downs happen all the time, that's what makes a perfect track. Going through bumps and still keeping it all healthy.
Reciprocal or not, the effort should be something mutual 'cause both parties want to make it work. We fall, and we rise's never too late to make things better, we re-discover ourselves everyday, and we come across things we didn't know yesterday. Just like a bird who rebuilds its nest after a natural disaster along with his/her better half, they still do it together despite the storm.
It is NEVER EVER too late to reconsider the foundation and the very basics of everything and rebuild upon that.
This is the power of trust and it definitely deserves a chance, a chance to mend, a chance to live, a chance to reconstruct.
Because REMEMBER, it is always us versus the problem and not you versus i.