“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof…Clap along if you know what happiness is to you..Clap along if you feel that’s what you want to do…”

Allow me to quote from Charles Spurgeon: “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness:" We hear it very often that a rich person can be poor and the poor can be rich; all depending not on his level of wealth but happiness. We all understood it very clearly that money can never buy happiness, but how far is this statement correct ? There should surely be some assumptions, right ? Suppose Mr. Smith wants to own a new car and he just got a bonus salary at work. He eventually buys the car, doesn’t that make him happy ? On the other hand, you can never pay someone to love you, nor get back your health even though you consume tons of medicine. So basically, “happiness is but a belief, an idea, a theory; but theories, beliefs and ideas have the possibility of being wrong”. According to Aristotle, happiness is an end, an end result of all the things a person does. Everything everyone does is for a purpose, to achieve something else. Aristotle believes that the something else is happiness. What is happiness again then, what constitutes Happiness ?
A happy man is the man who has everything he really needs (keeping in mind that not everything that one wants is what one needs). He has those things which he needs to realise his potentials. In realising he achieves happiness, and this is why Aristotle says that the happy man needs nothing…
I would like to end on the note that you are the driver of your car and how you define happiness is all upon your shoulders. Never let anyone rule over you and stop following your dreams, chase them instead…!